October 14, 2019

The Before and After

Dear Bill,

Today I am missing you. I feel the longing to be in the "BEFORE" you were gone. The time we had together was so special. It was a time when life was growing, we were making traditions for our family. The kids were all small and cuddling all around us. It's a time that now stands still in my mind. Because you were with us. Oh, how I miss you. I remember your eagerness to pray for me when I would come to you because I needed to regroup. We were quite the team, weren't we?

So I'm sitting here in the AFTER. It's after you are gone. I know that one day I will see you again. The hard part is this in between. Finding the new normal. I mean normal wasn't going to be like my memories are of BEFORE. The kids are getting older. The season is changing with the kids. We had a couple of teenagers together. Now I have more than a couple. I have this weird tension of wanting the before, but being ok with learning to be in the after.
Grief...it's such a complicated emotional state.

So even though I miss you, I know it's going to be OK. The Lord is providing my every need. I sure need Him to walk me though this season!

In this AFTER, I miss you, and I thank you for the sweet memories I have of us.

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