July 8, 2008

honorable mentions...

One of these days, I will learn how to post
a video on this blog :)
David learned to ride his bike a few weeks ago...or might
I say, that he suprised us by picking up a bike and just riding it!
Here's a shot of him that day!

So there's a funny story behind this one...
I go out for ice cream, and baby J-dub starts to spaz out
with daddy...no consoling him...in total desperation for peace,
Bill pulls out the portable dvd player and puts in Baby Einstein.
This is the baby's first encounter with this dvd...
He immediately starts to giggle, laugh and wave... Who would have known?

Couldn't resist this most sweet picture.
He'll be too big for my basin soon!
Splish splash little one!
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1 comment:

Kira said...

I love the baby basin picture!